Audio Story Critiques

October 12, 2011 § 1 Comment

Review of Andie Knous’ Audio Profile

After listening to Andie’s audio profile of fellow classmate Jessica Peck, the first thing that stood out was the concise nature of the profile, which was desirable for the intended purpose of this assignment.  It was difficult for everyone in the class to edit down the profiles with such interesting content from our partnered interviews.  The primary critique of the audio itself would be the sound quality of the audio recorder’s reproduction of sound.  The recording has the telephone effect which is no fault of the interviewer, just an equipment issue that Andie may want want to consider addressing.  All in all nice work and clean finishing touch.

Review of Zak Bolender’s Audio Profile

The audio profile completed by Zak was well done with it’s addition of ambient noise and sounds after the interview was condensed.  The effects were relevant and helped to draw the listener’s attention.  The effects could have maybe been slightly shortened, but other than that I thought they were beneficial.  The sound quality of the interview was solid.  Besides a couple of short tapping and external noise effects, I could find no other noticeable distractions that detract from the content.  The essence of the interviewee I also thought was well captured in regard to her job.  Nice work overall.


The audio editing assignment was enlightening due the peer critiques.  I was able to find ways in which to improve my audio assignments for the future, especially for timing and sound quality.  The interview process was harder than it had to be the first time around for this assignment, but the editing process was rather clean and effortless.  Recording the interviews in the library’s conference rooms proved to be beneficial when it was time to edit the profiles.  Listening to some of the other audio profiles from fellow students I was also able acquire more knowledge and ideas to enhance the ambiance and overall vibe of each profile.

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